I Could Totally Blog About That!

Prior to starting a blog, I used to think I didn’t have very many interests, so what would I have to write about? Then one day I sat down and really brain-stormed about what interests me. I surprised myself by coming up with over fifty topics!

But apparently, to have a “successful” blog, you are supposed to have a “niche.” You know, share your expertise on one subject, and reach the people who are into that subject. That may work for some people, and eventually it may work for me, but right now it doesn’t. There are way too many topics that seem to be begging me to write about them, and I feel that sticking to just one could get boring really fast!

So that’s why you may see me posting one day about homeschooling and another day about some unusual news item. One day my subject may be astronomy; the next day it may be some little-known musical instrument. The following day I might share a favorite recipe, some tips on goal setting, or some links to cool art web sites. You just never know what you might find on here.

My niece, (Honey, from Sunflower Schoolhouse) and I have many conversations about blogging. She has been encouraging me to develop more consistency with posting. I keep mentioning things I would like to write about, and saying “I could totally blog about that!” – to which she replies (nicely, of course), “Well, why don’t you?”

Well, why don’t I? Maybe I keep allowing myself to be drawn in by the fascination of so many things, and it’s easier to go from web site to web site than to research a topic and write a post. Although I love writing, it’s easier to talk about my ideas and opinions over the phone than to word them into posts.

Today, though, I was pondering the idea of “delayed gratification.” I was thinking about the fact that if I want to reach the goals I have in mind for my blog, I clearly need to spend time translating my interests and information into actual posts. I realize I can trade the “instant gratification” of surfing the Internet for the “delayed gratification” of forming my blog into what I want it to be. I think doing this will be rewarding, and I will still enjoy the time I spend looking at web sites too.

While I was talking about all this with Honey I was again struck with the idea, “I could totally blog about that!” – “So why don’t you?”

I just did.

3 thoughts on “I Could Totally Blog About That!”

  1. I LOVE YOUR POST! I really enjoyed reading your blog post today. Thanks for the mention too! I can’t wait to read more from you.

  2. Pingback: Tweets that mention I Could Totally Blog About That! | Diane Manuel -- Topsy.com

  3. Pingback: Down Memory Lane – Organ Music | Diane Manuel

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