14 Free Ways to Add Happiness to Any Day

Quite often I am amazed about how little it can take to make me happy.  Sometimes  taking  simple actions can  make a big difference in how we feel. Interestingly, they don’t always have to cost money either. This morning I thought of 14 things a person can do to help make any day more enjoyable. Here they are:

1. Go for a walk. Look carefully at your surroundings and see if you can discover beauty you didn’t notice before. Smile at the people you pass.

2. Make a list of who and what you are thankful for. See how long you can make the list.

3. Call someone you listed above and tell them what you appreciate about them.

4. Journal about your favorite memory. This could lead to starting a journaling habit, which can be very inspiring and relaxing.

5. Find something you don’t need anymore, that you think someone else might need or like, and offer it on freecycle

6. Sing your favorite song.

7. Invite someone over to your place for a visit, or find another way to spend time with them.

8. Re-read a favorite book or take out a library book on a topic that interests you. If you need ideas, go to the section of new arrivals or look over the carts of books ready to be put back on the shelves.

9. Take 15 minutes and clear out all the clutter in a  small area of your home, such as a table or drawer. Then take a few minutes to admire how good it looks.

10. Write a haiku.

11. Offer to do something for someone else (or help them with something they are doing).

12. Finish a project you have been putting off doing, such as organizing photos or recipes, or finishing a sewing or art project. Think about how good it feels to have it done.

13. Give yourself something positive to look forward to by writing down an achievable goal you will do tomorrow.

14. Go outside at night and admire the stars.

What do you like to do that makes you happy? You’re welcome to share these ideas in the comments.

4 thoughts on “14 Free Ways to Add Happiness to Any Day”

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention 14 Free Ways to Add Happiness to Any Day -- Topsy.com

  2. Those were some great (and simple) ideas. I can think of a few ways that would add happiness to my day…

    1) Being able to read a chapter of a book without being interrupted.

    2) Being able to finish a thought without it being interrupted.

    3) Being able to finish a cup of coffee before it gets cold.

    4) Being able to make a meal, just one, that no one complains about.

    5) Being able to speak (and be heard) without having to raise my voice over the chatter of 5 children (especially if I am not even talking to them).

    6) I would like to be able to eat a chocolate bar without being asked to share (is that mean?).

    7) I would like to be able to have a telephone conversation during the day, just once, where I didn’t have someone interrupt me.

    8) I would love to be able to eat a meal without most of it ending up on the floor. No, I am not a messy slob, I have two year old twins.

    9) I would like to be able to find things where I left them.

    10) And last, but not least, I would love to sleep through the night, just one time.

    I couldn’t make it to 14. LOL I tried. I do notice a trend though – interrupting. I guess we are going to have to work on that.


  3. Thank you for your comment, Honey! I hope that soon you will be able to do some of these things that make you happy. Maybe soon you’ll be able to sleep through the night, now that the twins are almost 3.

    Auntie Diane

  4. Hi Diane,

    Thank you for responding to my comment.

    Zion has actually slept through the night the last couple of nights. Hosanna has been up to nurse once or twice, but her 4 eye teeth are coming in, so I don’t blame her.

    I do actually have other things that make me happy, ones that I actually do…..


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